
"No" 和 "not" 在某些情境下可以被视为同义词,但并非在所有情境下都可以互换使用。然而,有一些情况下可以将它们用作否定的表达方式。

"I am not going to the party."
同义句: "I am going to the party."

"She does not like pizza."
同义句: "She dislikes pizza."

"It is not a good idea."
同义句: "It is a bad idea."

当我们处理否定语句时,有时可以使用 "no" 来替代 "not",但这并不是适用于所有情况。

"I do not agree with you."
同义句: "I no longer agree with you."

"They did not find the lost keys."
同义句: "They found no trace of the lost keys."
